Lee un libro Mosh Potatoes de Steve Seabury Libros Gratis en EPUB, Mosh Potatoes ePub Mobi
Descripción - Críticas 'This is the book to get your 'pit' on, the BBQ pit! Killing in the kitchen!' --Bobby Blitz, Overkill 'I am thrilled to be included in this amazing peek at the world's most extreme heavy metal cookbook. This is a must have! Seriously BASS ASS!' --Scott Rockenfield, Queensryche 'The message here: Metal gods get hungry, too. And if they can cook, so can you.' --Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel 'Finally, a cookbook worthy of the metal militia. In this kickin' compendium of horn-throwing eats, the baddest boys (and girls) of heavy metal dish up their favorite recipes.' --The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, CA) 'I'm really excited to be a part of Mosh Potatoes. After all Metal Heads have to eat too!' --Jason Bittner, Shadows Fall 'Preheat your oven, blanch your vegetables, plug in your ghetto blaster and crank up the Metal. Mosh Potatoes will be an ear-splitting dining experience.' --Joel Grind, Toxic Holocaust 'Mosh Potatoes sets the stage to eat to the beat of a different drummer!'--Frankie Banali, Quiet Riot 'Mosh Potatoes is so damn hot that Satan himself would get out of the kitchen!' --Morgan Lander, Kittie 'Food and music are as important as oxygen to a musician and you should never travel without either of them. Keep a copy of Mosh Potatoes in your kitchen and your guitar case to make sure your culinary desires are well tended to, both at home and on the road.' --Dave Ellefson, Megadeth 'Mosh Potatoes is the book I should have thought to write, but Steve beat me to it. I can do nothing but give a hearty Horns-up salute, as this book is everything I love. Kick Ass recipes from some of the biggest names in the biz, proving, once and for all, that COOKING is indeed METAL. Ice down the beer, fire up the grill, turn it up to 11, and start cooking--every recipe in this book is pure evil. And I mean that in the most delicious way.' --Chris Santos, Food Network Star ('Chopped') and Chef/Owner, Stanton Social Reseña del editor MOSH POTATOES is simply the heaviest cookbook ever, featuring recipes, anecdotes and photos from the biggest rock/metal musicians in the world. Whether it's Motley Crue's famous Pepper Jack Steak, Zakk Wylde's spaghetti and meatballs, or Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Sheppard's Pie, one thing is certain: the food is fun, fearless, and fundamental as these larger-than-life personalities show readers their secrets to preparing their favorite food. MOSH POTATOES features 150 recipes from stars of the 1970s, as well as new and up-and-coming bands, from multi-platinum-selling acts, to musicians who are still climbing the rungs in the club circuit. Many have performed on the WARP Tour or Ozzfest and have toured around the globe. Whether it be high school kids anxious to get their hands on anything having to do with their favorite rock artists, to suburban dads who crack a smile every time they hear an old AC/DC tune on the radio, MOSH POTATOES will entertain and inspire fans to break out their spatulas and throw together some awesome eats. Biografía del autor Steve Seabury has an extensive history in the music industry from performing, working at various record and marketing companies, interviewing major acts, and hosting events - most recently ZZ Top's anniversary DVD release at the Hard Rock Cafe. He began his career at Mayhem Records, where he helped launch such acts as Cradle of Filth and Nothingface into stardom. At Spitfire Records/Eagle Rock Entertainment, Steve was the National Sales Director and A&R and had the opportunity to work with rock legends Testament, Zakk Wylde, Ronnie James Dio, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, and new developmental acts like Dog Fashion Disco and Sixty Watt Shaman. At Concrete Marketing, Steve orchestrated and initiated several marketing campaigns for numerous platinum artists, including Metallica, Velvet Revolver, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Damageplan, Judas Priest, and many more. He has taken his experience and recently formed two new companies: Barley & Hops Management and a new record company called Giddy Up! Records that is distributed through Sony/Red. You can also see him thrashing like a maniac with his new metal band, Moth Eater. Steve lives in Queens (home of the New York Mets) with his wife Lisa. This is his first book.
Libros · Mosh Potatoes · Seabury, Steve: Simon & Schuster ~ Mosh Potatoes is simply the heaviest cookbook ever, featuring recipes, anecdotes and photos from the biggest rock/metal musicians in the world. Whether it's Motley Crue's famous Pepper Jack Steak, Zakk Wylde's spaghetti and meatballs, or Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Sheppard's Pie, one .
Mosh Potatoes: : Seabury, Steve: 9781439181324 ~ "Mosh Potatoes is so damn hot that Satan himself would get out of the kitchen!"--Morgan Lander, Kittie "Mosh Potatoes sets the stage to eat to the beat of a different drummer!"--Frankie Banali, Quiet Riot "Mosh Potatoes is the book I should have thought to write, but Steve beat me to it. I can do nothing but give a hearty Horns-up salute, as this book is everything I love.
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