Descargar K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution (English Edition) de Mark James Russell Libros Gratis en EPUB, K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution (English Edition) Descargar libro

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K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution (English Edition) de Mark James Russell

Descripción - "K-Pop Now! […] features one hundred and twenty-eight glossy pages of Korean pop eye-candy." —KpopStarz.comK-Pop Now! takes a fun look at Korea's high-energy pop music, and is written for its growing legions of fans. It features all the famous groups and singers, and takes an insider's look at how they have made it to the top.In 2012, Psy's song and music video "Gangnam Style" suddenly took the world by storm. But K-Pop, the music of Psy's homeland of Korea has been winning fans for years with its infectious melodies and high-energy fun. Featuring incredibly attractive and talented singers and eye-popping visuals, K-Pop is the music of now.Though K-Pop is a relatively young phenomenon in the West, it is rapidly gaining traction and reaching much larger audiences—thanks in large part to social media like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Top K-Pop acts get ten million to thirty million hits for their videos—the Girls Generation single "Gee" has over a hundred million views!In K-Pop Now! you'll find:Profiles of all the current K-Pop artists and their hits A look at Seoul's hippest hot spots and hangouts Interviews with top artists like Kevin from Ze:A and Brian Joo A look at the K-Pop idols of tomorrowYou'll meet the biggest record producers, the hosts of the insanely popular "Eat Your Kimchi" website, and K-Pop groups like Big Bang, TVXQ, 2NE1, Girls Generation, HOT, SES, FinKL Busker Busker and The Koxx. The book also includes a guide for fans who plan to visit Seoul to explore K-Pop up close and personal.Join the K-Pop revolution now!

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution (English Edition)
  • Autor: Mark James Russell
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
  • Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 637 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar K-POP Now!: The Korean Music Revolution (English Edition) de Mark James Russell Ebooks, PDF, ePub

K-Pop Now!: The Korean Music Revolution by Mark James Russell ~ The Korean Music Revolution (2014), and the novel Young-hee and the Pullocho (2015). Mark has lived in South Korea since 1996 (albeit with a few years off, living in Spain and elsewhere), writing about Mark James Russell is writer based in Seoul, South Korea.

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PSY - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ~ Park Jae-sang nació el 31 de diciembre de 1977, [5] en una familia acomodada del distrito de Gangnam en Seúl, Corea del Sur. [6] Su padre, Park Won-Ho, es el gerente ejecutivo de DI Corporation. [7] SU madre, Kim Young-hee, es propietaria de varios restaurantes en Gangnam. [8] Estudió música en la Escuela de Música Berklee. [9] Ha sido siempre un cantante muy polémico.

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Kang Min-hyuk - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ~ Kang Min Hyuk (28 de junio de 1991) es un baterista, actor y cantante surcoreano. [1] [2] [3] Es el baterista de la banda surcoreana CN Blue, que debutó oficialmente en enero del 2010 en Corea del Sur [4] y anteriormente como banda indie, en agosto de 2009 en Japón [5] [6] y posteriormente como banda en octubre de 2011 en Japón.[7

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Victoria Song - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ~ Sòng Qiàn (Qingdao, Shandong, 2 de febrero de 1987), más conocida como Victoria Song o Victoria, es una cantante, actriz, bailarina y modelo china.Debutó como miembro del grupo surcoreano f(x) en septiembre de 2009.. En 2010, ganó fama como parte de la segunda temporada de We Got Married, además de ser miembro del elenco de Invincible Youth de KBS.